ordeal, the
Surreal, demented and freakish, The Ordeal has sparked comparisons to the holy triptych of 'survival' horror films: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Straw Dogs and Deliverance. With an undercurrent of perverse, black humour, it heads down a path that starts strangely and only gets weirder.
Marc Stevens is a charming pop singer who plays old people's homes, his gentle manner and boyish good looks garnering (unwanted) romantic advances wherever he goes. On his way to a Christmas engagement, his van breaks down in a forest, and he seeks shelter in a run-down inn. The innkeeper, Mr Bartel, a pitiable ex-comic who connects with this fellow 'artist', comes to see his guest as a surrogate for his long-lost love, and he won't take rejection. Driving himself insane with jealousy, he warns Marc to avoid the villagers, because when they find out Bartel's 'wife' is back...
With extraordinary visual flourishes by cinematographer Benoit Debie (also responsible for Gaspar Noe's Irreversible), The Ordeal is an unforgettable vision of pure hysteria.
Make sure you stay for the credits to get the full story!
Contains scenes that may offend some viewers
D Fabrice du Welz P Michael Gentile, Vincent Tavier, Eddy Geradon-Luyckx S Fabrice du Welz, Romain Protat WS Funny Balloons L French w/English subtitles TD 35mm/col/2004/90mins