Wootton Talks Femmes: LAUREN BACALL: Hollywood Icon of Cool
A protégé of legendary director Howard Hawks; dazzling onscreen co-star (and happy off-screen wife) of Humphrey Bogart in a succession of classic noir thrillers (To Have and To Have Not, The Big Sleep, Key Largo); and unhappy lover of Frank Sinatra, former model Lauren Bacall (1924–2014) was one of the great icons of Hollywood's golden age, who also showed talent for comedy (How to Marry a Millionaire).
Wootton chronicles the amazing long life and career of this feisty diva, who was also a Tony award-winning stage performer and radio star and who, in later life, carved out a career of memorable supporting roles, earning a Golden Globe Award and Oscar nomination for Barbra Streisand’s The Mirror Has Two Faces (1996).