Exquisite Corpse was an image and language parlour game played by the Surrealists, which asked players to collectively write or draw a story or picture, with only limited knowledge of the other players’ contributions.
Translating the original game into an immersive VR experience creating a composite human body, BADFAITH Collective’s Exquisite Corpse maintains the rules of the game, with artists and filmmakers – including Shaun Gladwell, Luci Schroder, Amiel Courtin-Wilson, Natasha Pincus, Tony Albert and Daniel Crooks – contributing, each with no knowledge of the others’ work beyond which body part they were representing, with complete artistic freedom. Curated by VR pioneer Leo Faber and embodying all the paradoxes of the original Surrealist method, Exquisite Corpse is a fragmented composition of wildly different approaches to the various body parts.
World Premiere
Users should be aware that in rare cases participation in these experiences and using this technology may involve some risks, including (but not limited to): nausea, dizziness, disorientation, visual abnormalities, injury or other discomfort.