Organising Committee

The overwhelming success of previous Festivals surprised everybody, even the most sanguine of the organizers, and last year's combined effort at the University was the best yet.
Academic surroundings have helped to develop our Festival's unique character: a character which has grown out of the particular needs of Melbourne film lovers.
As the Festival gains in stature there is a corresponding improvement in the quality of the films it can command. This year you will find the programmes even more stimulating and more worthy of discussion, demanding the interest and attention that is the right of artistic achievement.
The Festival aims to present the widest range of films from all parts of the world. especially those which are unlikely to reach our local theatre screens. A glance at the programme will show how well we have achieved this objective.
We believe that the Festival has become an important event of the year for everyone seriously interested in the film — a contribution to the cultural life of our community.
Introduction taken from the 1955 official guide