Isabella Gullifer-Laurie
Isabella Gullifer-Laurie is a graduate researcher at the University of Melbourne, where she is writing a thesis on Renata Adler, Joan Didion and Elizabeth Hardwick. She has written book reviews for Meanjin, Overland and The Saturday Paper.
Website: isabellagulliferlaurie.com
Location: Melbourne
Movie location I call home: I’m still looking.
What was the film or experience that made you want to write about the screen?
Romy Schneider’s wet hair in La Piscine, a big field of wheat in some film or another, the continuous breeze in La Pointe Courte, Chantal Akerman, the empty gardens in India Song, the little bits of lilac, rust red and blue in All Is Forgiven, the lustrous Monica Vitti.
Why do you think film criticism matters in 2024?
For the pleasure of reading and thinking about film, when it excites or disappoints? Maybe that is enough.
Who is a critic that inspires you?
I’m writing my thesis on Elizabeth Hardwick, but there are others who allure with their marvellous sentences … Gary Indiana, Parul Seghal, Hilton Als.
In five words, the future of cinema is: Furniture, regret, kissing, the sea, mothers.
What’s your favourite film that you’ve seen this year?
La Chimera, directed by Alice Rohrwacher, for being forlorn, mysterious, and glittering.
My MIFF 2024 theme music is:
Maybe a soundtrack? The Tindersticks album for Nenette and Boni.