Erwin Rado

The Sixth Melbourne Film Festival will present over one hundred films from thirty countries – films which the Organising Committee believes show some advancement towards cinematic art or towards knowledge.
A number of countries, including Puerto Rico, Portugal, Bulgaria, Greece, Norway and South Africa, will be represented for the first time in this annual event in the cultural life of Melbourne. The addition of films from these countries is indicative of the Organising committee aim to make the Melbourne Festival international in character and equal in stature to the best overseas film festivals
A programme of specially selected Festival films for senior secondary school children on three mornings at the Union Theatre. Our aim in devising these sessions has been to demonstrate to the young people the type of films a film society can offers to its members.
Concurrently with the Festival, the National Gallery and the Organising Committee have arranged an exhibition of Polish film posters at the National Gallery.
Around Film Polski gathered some of the best of Poland's artists, young artists like Jan Lenica, and representatives of an older generation, such as Eryk Lipinski, one of the founder of the Polish Poster School, born in 1908. These artists have created poster art, designed in a tradition of taste and elegance which is distinctly Polish.
Film Polski made a gift of the posters to the Festival and their generous gesture will make it possible to circulate this exhibition throughout Australia.
The Australian Institute of Management will present a one day conference on “The use of film in Industry and commerce” in the Physics C. Theatre on Tuesday 4th of June.
Festival Director: Erwin Rado
Programme Advisor: George Lugg
Introduction taken from the 1957 official guide